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Historic Georgian Custom House
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- Developing the employment prospects of people
- 500 seat main auditorium
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We have an impressive track record of being the most authentic theatre as we ensure that Georgian customs stays alive here.
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“I am not really someone highly into theatre but Arts Guild Theatre was incredibly majestic and when the show began I could feel the energy around me. It was just magnificent!”
– Lucius

“I have been visiting this theatre for the past five years and every play I visit gives me something magical.”
– Hawkins
From Our Blog
Top Ten Theatre Festivals Around The World
From attending concerts in Cleveland, watching Broadway shows in New York or taking in a Manchester United game at Old Trafford, isn’t it all just great theatre?
Theatre festivals have to be one of the oldest festivals that celebrate art. The basic idea behind a theatre festival is simply to devote to the work and art that theatre is. Theatre festivals are in their nascent stage when compared to music festivals or art festivals. Given below is a list of the top ten theatre festivals that promote the works of playwrights and performers.
The Dublin Theater Festival Europe’s most established theater specific celebration. It was established by theater producer Brendan Smith in 1957 and has, except for a long time, created a period of worldwide and Irish performance center every harvest time. In the course of recent decades, the celebration has turned into a critical piece of Ireland’s social scene. the Festival has flourished and is viewed as the most seasoned set up pro theater celebration in Europe.
Adelaide Festival of Arts: The Adelaide Festival of Arts, otherwise called the Adelaide Festival, is a yearly art celebration held in the South Australian capital during the month of March. Dating back to the 1960’s this four-day involves numerous occasions, for the most part including drama, theater, traditional and contemporary music, supper club, writing, visual craftsmanship and new media.
Chekhov International Theatre Festival The Chekhov International Theater Festival was set up in 1992, and in the 25 years of its history, the celebration turned into a happy and ached for occasion for every one of the individuals who love theater. Their primary objective is to augment the group of spectators, causing theater to be yearned for by the individuals of various foundations. Real features incorporate “The Twelfth Night”, “The Tempest”, and others, by W. Shakespeare.
The Contemporary American Theater Festival (CATF) An American yearly proficient theater celebration held at Shepherd University, situated in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. The Festival works in debuts and second or third preparations of new plays, at present delivering six plays each late spring in repertory
The 24:7 Theater Festival A yearly occasion in Manchester, United Kingdom, represent considerable authority in displaying new composition ability from over the North West. 24:7 intends to carry creative dramatization to the individuals of Manchester and supports the composition, coordinating, performing and delivering ability of tomorrow.
The Festival d’Avignon Avignon Festival, is a yearly celebration held in the French city of Avignon each late spring in July in the patio of the Palais des Papes just as in different areas of the city. This festival gave birth to the ‘in festival’ and the ‘off festival’ which are organized by theatre companies.
The Edinburgh International Festival A three week long festival in Edinburgh, Scotland, during the month of August. The International Festival brings top class entertainers of music, theater, show and move from around the globe to perform.
The Belgrade International Festival This festival allows for the possibility of a festival with a dispatch to “give a stage to the blossoming of the human soul” and enhance the social existence of Scotland, Britain and Europe. In 1999, BITEF was granted a Special Prize Premio Europa Per Il Teatro, Taormina arte.
The Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) is one of Africa’s largest global expressions celebrations. Set up in 1999 by Manuel Bagorro the celebration happens every year in late April or early May in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe. The week-long celebration incorporates five chief controls: theater, music, move, artistic work, and poetry. As a private undertaking, HIFA relies upon financing from private sources, including neighborhood organizations and global companies.
Universal Theater Festival of Kerala (ITFoK) A global theater celebration held each year in December in Thrissur city of Kerala State, India. The celebration is held in G.Sankara Pillai Cultural Complex in Thrissur city more than eight days. The fundamental stages are Murali Outdoor Theater and K. T. Muhammed Regional Theater
The Guild’s current premises are no longer fit for purpose
Expected to open in August 2012, it will be known as The Beacon Arts Centre. This new arts centre will build on the impressive track record of Greenock Arts Guild which has been successfully delivering high quality arts in Inverclyde for 60 years. It will be sited on a prime location of a former dockyard in Greenock, adjacent to the historic Georgian Custom House, with superb views over the River Clyde. The new building will form a key community focus as part of the wider regeneration of former industrial land along the Inverclyde waterfront.
The new building will house a 500 seat main auditorium together with a 130 seat studio theatre, three large rehearsal rooms and a riverside restaurant and bar with outstanding views over the Clyde.
It is anticipated that the success and profitability of the new restaurant and bar will bring a significant new income stream to the Guild for reinvestment in its social objectives of working with youths at risk, broadening participation in the arts and developing the employment prospects of people with ongoing mental health problems.